Used Oil Solutions and Gas Station Services
CBI offers a wide range of services to support industrial, automotive, and specialty customers.
CBI offers reliable, safe, regulatory complaint solutions for:
- Used oil collection & recycling
- Oil filter, antifreeze, transmission and brake fluid collection and recycling
- Fuel filtering and polishing
- Petroleum Contact Water (PCW) handling & disposal
- Stormwater managment & disposal
- Contaminated absorbent materials, oily rags pick up & disposal
- Drum pick up and removal for hazardous or non-hazardous materials
- On-site treatment systems
- Car Wash waste water and silt removal
- Oil-Water separator clean outs
Transportation & Logistics
CBI owns and operates a diverse fleet of transportation equipment ready to transport & dispose of Hazardous & Non-Hazardous wastestreams. Our logistics network is supported by state-of-the-art GPS tracking & dispatching. We quickly respond to daily occurrences and rescheduling to satisfy your needs.
Core to our business is a team of highly trained, experienced, professional drivers meeting the highest standards of safety in our industry. Our in-house mechanics & machinists inspect and maintain our fleet to insure that all CBI vehicles are always DOT compliant.
Box truck / semi / tanker hauling
- Vacuum Trucks
- Roll off Boxes
- Vacuum Boxes / Roll Off Containers
- Tank Trailers / Vacuum Trailers
- Service Vehicles
- Boats & Trailers
- Boom Trailers
- Low Boys
- Bulk Storage
- Railcar transportation
- Frac Tank & ISO Tank rentals
Emergency Response and Service Fleet
CBI's services are supported by an extensive fleet of emergency response vehicles including HAZMAT and rescue trailers, vacuum, dump, roll-off containers, box trucks, vans, tractors, tankers, boats, barges, and other heavy equipment. Our fleet is supplemented by a vast array of compressors, generators, skimmers, supplied air equipment, pumps, lighting, marine boom, extensive line of absorbent materials. Our OSHA certified safety and personal protection equipment covers all emergencies. CBI's communications systems and equipment ensures seamless coordination between our joint leadership, field supervision and operating personnel, in order to provide real-time intelligence and transparency of our emergency response actions from the incident site.

Our Fleet Includes:
HazMat emergency response trucks
Remediation supply trailers
Rollover emergency response supply trailers
Highway safety equipment trailers
Confined space rescue trailers
Boom trailers
ATV trailers
Mobile quarters trailers
Pump trucks
Fuel filtering polishing trucks
Mechanic welding trucks
Water trucks
Work boats (14’ – 25’)
Landing crafts 36’
Command vessels 36’
Air Boats
Oil booms (18” / 24”)
Service Vehicles <1 Ton
Transport Vans
HazMat Response Vehicles
Box Trucks
Stake Body Trucks
Dump Trucks
Boom Trucks
Vacuum Trucks (2,000 – 6,000 gal)
Industrial Vacuum Units (wet/dry) 18”HG, 27”HG & HG-high-rail
Industrial Vacuum Units (wet vac jetter combo)
Industrial Vacuum Units (liquid ring) 27” HG
Tank Trailers
Frac-Tank Trailers
Flatbed trailers
Low-boy trailers
Box trailers
Roll-off trucks
Roll-off trailers