Reduce, Recycle, & Reuse!
That’s the primary goal of any effective waste recycling management program. A comprehensive waste disposal and recycling plan helps protect you against liability and excessive costs. This requires managing the entire process, from generation, to collection and transportation, to recovery or disposal, providing you a unique value proposition for the management of your wastestreams. We also offer programs for waste minimization.
CBI works with you one-on-one to develop a comprehensive plan for recycling, treating and disposing of your company's waste. Initially, CBI conducts an on-site waste survey and audit, followed by sampling and analysis. Our recommended disposal plans address your specific, immediate and long term disposal options ranging from Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, In-Situ treatment, Bioremediation, Neutralization, Stabilization, and other regulatory compliant waste minimization and disposal processes. As an added benefit to our customers, CBI completes and submits all required documentation to the applicable agencies and offices for environmental compliance.

Cliff Berry, Inc. provides comprehensive wastewater management solutions and researches the most cost effective and environmentally sound methods for disposal. Disposal options can include neutralization, stabilization, chemical treatment, filtering, polishing, and discharge and other approved regulatory appropriate waste minimization processes. As an added benefit to its customers, CBI assists in completing and submitting all required documentation to the necessary regulatory agencies. Wastestreams handled by CBI include, but are not limited to hazardous, non-hazardous, and medical wastes.
CBI Miami Waste Treatment, Reprocessing, Recycling and Disposal Plant
At the heart of CBI's waste management system is its state-of-the-art Miami Plant which enjoys a reputation for excellence among the industry and regulatory agencies. Utilizing a dissolved air flocculation/flotation process combined with an advanced injection system, our facility has a wastewater permitted processing capacity of 75.6 million gallons annually. In addition, the facility can process up to 36 million gallons of used oil every year. The operations of the Miami Plant is supported by an on-site laboratory facility.
CBI's Miami Plant has 1.8 million gallons of storage capacity, which coupled with our railroad siding and access enables CBI to efficiently handle bulk intermodal transfers for trucks, rail cars and ISO containers.
CBI's Miami Plant is the ONLY EPA certified facility in the State of Florida permitted to accept and treat all (3) EPA combined industrial wastestreams:
- Oily water
- Metal contaminated water
- Organic contaminated water
In addition, CBI is the only permitted transporter in Dade County for all (5) wastestreams consisting of Liquid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Medical Waste, Antifreeze and Sewage.
Miami Plant Services
CBI's Miami Plant provides cost effective and environmentally sound proprietary solutions for;
- Pretreatment and injection of industrial wastewater
- Consolidation of wastestreams for recycling and/or disposal
- Recycling/reclamation of used oil
- Petroleum Contact Water (PCW)
- Recyling of oil filters and oil contaminated sorbents/rags
- Managing wastestreams
Disposal Services
CBI's Disposal Services Division has a long history of providing exceptional expertise and service in the management of a wide array of hazardous chemicals, volatiles, toxins, aerosols and compressed gasses. CBI's chemists are highly trained in chemical recognition, characterization of DOT and EPA packaging protocols. While this Division covers a broad range of industrial customers, we also focus on specialized areas including education and healthcare institutions; research & development laboratories; manufacturing; pharmaceutical, aerospace and chemical industries.
CBI's Disposal Services include;
- Lab packing services
- Medical waste disposal
- Universal waste collection and disposal
- Mercury waste management disposal
- Drum handling and disposal
- Sampling and profiling
- Reactive materials services
- Laboratory moves
- Transportation services
- Household hazardous waste
- E-waste
Environmental Assessment, Remediation and Restoration
CBI immediately responds to customers' requests to mitigate incidents that impact the environment, public health, and property by dispatching teams of highly trained and experienced professionals. CBI's personnel will assess the site-specific environmental conditions, develop a comprehensive assessment of remedial alternatives, and select the best available technology and cost effective solutions to eliminate the environmental concerns and restore the impacted area. CBI's management and design personnel take into consideration a wide range of project requirements such as: budget, project cost, site location, scheduling, training, safety, regulatory laws, and the project closeout requirements. CBI supervisors work one-on-one with the customer, allowing greater agility in dealing with the management of your project. With our trained technical personnel, extensive equipment capabilities, and a readily available support staff we will reduce potential delays, minimize costs, and provide total client satisfaction on our projects, including ports & marinas; shopping centers & other commercial properties; real estate developments; terminals & pipelines; financial institutions; wetlands, parks, and brownfields.
Our extensive offerings in this area include:
- Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessments
- Incident Site Investigation and Reporting
- Asbestos, Mold and Mildew Assessment and Abatement
- Utility Locate Services
- Facility Waste Management and Waste Reduction
- Facility Decontamination and Demolition
- Soil Excavation and Disposal
- Hazardous Waste Neutralization and/or Stabilization
- Vapor Extraction Systems
- On-site Dewatering, Treatment and/or Disposal
- Abandoned Waste
- UST/ AST Management and Removal
- Comprehensive Site Restoration